Recent posters
Fall 2024: # indicates postdoctoral scholar; * indicates graduate trainees; ~ indicates undergraduate trainees
Summer 2024: # indicates postdoctoral scholar; * indicates graduate trainees; ~ indicates undergraduate trainees
Spring 2024: # indicates postdoctoral scholar; * indicates graduate trainees; ~ indicates undergraduate trainees
Fall 2023: # indicates postdoctoral scholar; * indicates graduate trainees; ~ indicates undergraduate trainees
Spring 2023: * indicates graduate trainees; ~ indicates undergraduate trainees
Old list of presentations that will be organized soon!
- Hudac, C.M. & Xia, M. (September 2022). Brain “coupling”: Electroencephalography (EEG) dynamics between loving partners and associations to the perception of love. Invited talk at The Love Consortium annual meeting, Chapel Hill, NC.
- Hudac, C.M. (May 2022). A push to develop inclusive autism biomarkers: Considerations for co-occurring intellectual disability and mobility issues. Invited talk at Radboud University Medical Center, Nijmegen, Netherlands.
- Hudac, C.M. (February 2022). EEG net application in coarse and curly hair. Invited webinar with trainees at Children’s Hospital of Boston.
- Hudac, C.M. (August 2021). A push to develop inclusive biomarkers for neurodevelopmental disorders. Invited speaker at Stony Brook University’s Clinical Science Colloquium, in partnership with Society for a Science of Clinical Psychology’s Virtual Clinical Lunch series (
- Hudac, C.M. (May 2021). Biomarkers for all: EEG methods to improve opportunities for individuals with intellectual disabilities. Invited speaker at the Innovative Phenotyping Seminar, Seattle Children’s Research Institute, Seattle, WA.
- Hudac, C.M. (September 2020). DYRK1A research update: Searching for biomarkers. Invited speaker (recorded webinar) at the DYRK1A Insights virtual webinar.
- Hudac, C.M. (September 2020). Searching for a GRIN2B Biomarker. Invited speaker at the CureGRIN Virtual Conference.
- Hudac, C.M. (May 2020). Addressing rural health disparities: Identifying underlying mechanisms and developmental trajectories. Invited speaker at the Center for Child Health, Behavior and Development (CCHBD) within the Seattle Children’s Research Institute Children.
- Hudac, C.M. (March 2020). Using dynamic systems theory to model the brain. Oral presentation at Memory, Aging, and Cognitive Control (MAC2) Research Laboratory weekly meeting, Department of Psychology, University of Alabama.
- Hudac, C.M. (January 2019). Brain, Genes, and Biomarkers: Understanding learning mechanisms in ASD and neurodevelopmental disorders. Oral presentation at Educational Neuroscience weekly seminar, Department of Education, University of Alabama.
- Hudac, C.M. (November 2019). Biomarkers of sociocognitive abilities in ID and ASD. Oral presentation at Specific Aims workshop at Center for Clinical and Translational Science (CCTS) Training Symposium, Gulf Shores, AL.
- Hudac, C.M. (November 2019). The emergence of the infant social brain. Oral presentation at Developmental Contemporary Issues weekly meeting, Department of Psychology, University of Alabama.
- Hudac, C.M. & Beighley, J. (October 2019). The CHD8 Story: Steps towards subtypes of Autism. Invited speaker for The Simons Foundation Spectrum, replay available:
- Friedman, N.R., Hudac, C.M., Riek, N.T., Susam, B., Akcakaya, M., Philip Gable, P., Wilhelm, R., Conner, C.M., Mazefsky C.,, & White, S. (November 2022). Neural correlates of attention during frustration induction correspond to emotion dysregulation in autism spectrum disorder. Poster presentation at the annual Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT in New York City, New York.
- Hudac, C.M. & Friedman, N.R. (May 2022). Distinct habituation patterns of auditory social attention associated with disruptive SCN2A and GRIN2B mutations. Poster presentation at the annual International Society for Autism Research (INSAR) meeting in Boston, MA with virtual options.
- White, B.A., Revilla, R., Heilman, M., Dede, B., White, S.W., Lochman, J., Hudac, C.M., & Bui, C. (May 2022). Speeding up translation from basic to applied science: FAST as an intervention for callous-unemotional traits. Poster presentation at the annual Society for Scientific Study of Psychopathy (SSSP) virtual meeting.
- ~ Revilla, R., Friedman, N.R., & Hudac, C.M. (April 2022). Electrophysiological correlates of social motivation in neurotypical adults. Abstract submission for the annual Social and Affective Neuroscience Society annual conference meeting. Virtual meeting.
- Hudac, C.M. (April 2022). Improving access to brain research for rare clinical populations: Utility of mobile EEG research. Abstract submission for the University of Alabama System Behavioral Health Conference on Mental Health Across the Life Span in Tuscaloosa, AL.
- ~~ Combs, I. & Hudac, C.M. (April 2022). Biological and environmental factors contributing to preverbal infant word comprehension. Abstract submission for annual Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity conference, University of Alabama.
- ~~ Estreicher, R.E., Dorsey, G.C.,Williams, A.B., Ward, V.W., Friedman, N.R. & Hudac, C.M. (April 2022). Title pending. Abstract submission for annual Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity conference, University of Alabama.
- Hudac, C.M. & Friedman, N.R. (May 2021). Determining What Factors Contribute to Atypical Social Motivation in ASD. Virtual poster presentation at the International Society for Autism Research (INSAR) annual meeting in Seattle, WA.
- ~ Rutter, T.M., Rea, H., Eichler, E.E., Bernier, R.A., Webb, S.J., Earl, R.K., & Hudac, C.M. (May 2021). Examining Resting State Alpha Power and Social Motivation among Carriers of CHD8 Mutations and CHD8-Target Genes. Virtual poster presentation at the International Society for Autism Research (INSAR) annual meeting in Seattle, WA.
- ~~ Hall, L.T., Sargent, C.L., Ganz, W.R., Earl, R.K., Eichler, E.E., Bernier, R.A., Webb, S.J., & Hudac, C.M. (May 2021). EEG Resting State Spectral Differences between SCN2A, Idiopathic ASD, and Typically Developing Controls. Virtual poster presentation at the International Society for Autism Research (INSAR) annual meeting in Seattle, WA.
- ~~ Miles, C.M., Kurtz-Nelson, E.C., Hudac, C.M., Eichler, E.E., Bernier, R.A., & Earl, R.K. (May 2021). Quantitative 3D Analysis of Craniofacial Dysmorphia in DYRK1A Mutations. Virtual poster presentation at the International Society for Autism Research (INSAR) annual meeting in Seattle, WA.
- Hudac, C.M. & Friedman, N.R. (April 2021). Progress towards conceptualizing social attention in autism spectrum disorder and social anxiety disorder. Virtual poster presentation at University of Alabama Faculty Research Day in Tuscaloosa, AL.
- ~~ Williams, A., Friedman, N.R., & Hudac, C.M. (April 2021). Response to Exclusion as Observed by Pupillometry. Virtual poster session presented at the Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity conference in Tuscaloosa, AL.
- ~ Friedman, N.R. & Hudac, C.M. (April 2021). Impact of Intellectual Disability on Social Motivation in Autism Spectrum Disorder. Virtual poster session presented at 54th Annual Gatlinburg Conference on Research and Theory in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities.
- Hudac, C.M., Santhosh, M., Celerian, C., Chung, K.-M., Jung, W., & Webb, S.J. (October 2020). Delineating the role of racial and developmental experience in emotional face processing: An ERP Study. Poster presented at the International Cultural Neuroscience Society virtual conference.
- ~~ Irby, K., Bicknell, B., & Hudac, C.M. (April 2020). Clinical and neural metrics of cognitive abilities of children with disruptive GRIN2B mutations. Virtual poster session presented at Troy University Psychology Conference in Troy, AL.
- ~~ Nelson, C.M., Mahony, M.M., DesChamps, T., Bernier, R., Shic, F., Webb, S.J., Morett, L.M., Hudac, C.M. (April 2020). Attention processes across sensory domains: Characterization from EEG and Eye Tracking. Virtual poster session presented at Southeastern Universities Graduate Research Symposium in Tuscaloosa, AL.
- ~~ Bicknell, B., Irby, K., & Hudac, C.M. (April 2020). Cognitive and adaptive profiles of children with disruptive GRIN2B mutations. Virtual poster session presented at the Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity conference in Tuscaloosa, AL.