The BioGENE Study:
Biomarkers of Genetic Etiology of NEurodevelopmental disorders
The BioGENE Study started at the University of Alabama in 2020 and has moved with Dr. Hudac to the University of South Carolina starting August 2022. The goal of this study is to help us understand how the brain works in individuals with rare genetic events linked to neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and intellectual disability (ID). We hope to target as many genes as possible. See the list to the right for gene groups we are recruiting based upon current funding. Study details
Location We understand that is difficult for many families to travel. We have the capability of traveling to do our research in your home or at a local site (e.g., community library, hotel). The video on the side show how we set-up the equipment off-campus. We see many participants at Family Group meet-ups. See current recruitment pages (GRIN2B Page, SCN2A Page, Searchlight 2022 Page) for upcoming opportunities. |
Current recruitmentWe have current funding in support of enrollment for the following groups: GRIN2B Page SCN2A Page Simons Searchlight 2022 Conference
Video of how we set up the equipment when conducting mobile data collection
Examples of how we put on an EEG net